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Your right to appeal a Council’s decision

I can prepare planning, enforcement, advertisement and discontinuance notice appeal statements on your behalf.

The procedures involved in making appeals can be complex and I can coordinate your appeal and lodge it with the Planning Inspectorate. Where possible, I use the Inspectorate’s Portal, to which I have registered, to lodge your appeal electronically.

I will monitor the progress of your appeal through to the appeal decision submitting the necessary documents and any additional statements in accordance with the strict time-scales involved. I am also able to attend any accompanied Planning Inspector’s site visit on your behalf.

On average, a third of appeals succeed. The Planning Inspectorate’s statistics may suggest the proverb ‘its not what you know but who you know’ is apt in anticipating whether your appeal would be allowed or dismissed. The 2014-15 statistics make for some very enlightening reading. Make up your own mind.

That said, I have secured many highly contested proposals at appeal through the preparation and supply of comprehensive, robust and persuasive Full Statements of Case. Some of my successes can be read in my news pages.

Courtesy of Garry Hodgson Architectural Services

Kingslodge Hotel, Durham City secured on appeal - Courtesy of Hodgson Architectural Services