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I offer a range of planning services, all provided at the same hourly rate.

Town and Country Planning encompasses an exceptionally broad area of expertise. I have highlighted some of those areas below but the list I have produced is not exhaustive.

To get you from ‘A’ to ‘B’, your starting point to your goal, I may deploy a strategy that involves one or more of my services. It all depends on how complex your project is.

And, my knowledge and experience encompass more than planning and includes construction, building management and land surveying. I think this gives me an advantage on the planning ‘battlefield’.

Architecural Support Programme [ASP]


Statements and Supporting Documents


Planning Appraisals and Strategy

Permitted Development Rights

Enforcement Defences



Formal and Local Government Ombudsman Complaints

Legal Agreements

“Based in the UK, USA, Spain, and the Czech Republic, i2LResearch is a multinational Contract Research Organisation serving the agrochemicals and household pesticides industries. When the Company decided in 2012, to relocate its centre for crop protection studies to Shotley Bridge in County Durham, we needed good, responsive, expert help in a number of areas including planning. To this end we appointed Darren Ridley of the Planning Station to co-ordinate the preparation and submission of a planning application and its supporting documents for the new research facility in Shotley Bridge, including the provision of a comprehensive Design and Access Statement. In addition Darren assisted us in finding a local reputable Architect and Land Surveyor to provide supporting plans and drawings. He also successfully contested a number of requests of the Council for further specialist reports that undoubtedly saved time and money.

Securing consent was imperative because we were about to lose our existing facility within months. Darren ensured the supporting documents were prepared speedily, collated and submitted an online application in just over a month. A Council approval was reached within four months of the Planning Station's appointment and the project was a resounding success...

i2LResearch looks forward to many successful years of business at Shotley Bridge and is happy to recommend the Planning Station to other potential clients.

Dr Peter McEwen, i2LResearch Ltd