I can handle both formal complaints to your Council and Local Government Ombudsman [‘LGO’] complaints procedures on your behalf. I have significant experience responding to formal and LGO complaints for Local Planning Authorities. If you are aggrieved at the way in which your local planning authority [‘LPA’] has handled a planning concern, you have a right to complain to the LGO.
If the LGO finds against the Council, not only may you find a solution but the LGO could require the Council to compensate you financially. Where the LPA has not acted in accordance with their agreed practices and procedures or published standards or not have acted in accordance with planning law, the Council's actions, or inactions, may amount to mal administration causing injustice.
Before the LGO will consider your complaint she will usually need to see that your complaint has gone through the Council’s own formal complaint procedures without resolution. This could be a lengthy process taking much time and effort.
“Darren ‘says it like it is' which is how I like advice served.